Faustine Bellamy

Self-assured and competitive, Faust revels in her job as a professional duelist in Ishgard. What she lacks in social status, she makes up for in bravado and easy charm. If there is more to life than wine, poetry, and duels, Faust is not entirely sure she wants to know.

Quick Bio

Full Name: Faustine Bellamy

Race: Elezen (Duskwight)

Occupation: Duelist (Fencer)

Homeland: Gridania

Nickname: Faust

Age: Thirties

Sexuality: Bisexual

Residence: Ishgard


Faust grew up in Gridania, and as a Duskwight, that meant a complicated childhood. Her mother was ambitious and pushy and largely wished she had had a son, and Faust spent much of her childhood and youth chasing her mother's approval, mostly in vain.She joined the Wood Wailers as a youth, and while she had potential, her competitive nature and a tendency to get into fights with the other trainees saw her kicked out before she could complete her training.When she met an aging Fencer from Gyr Abania, training a group of people her age in the art of dueling, she found her calling and convinced him to take her on as a student. Here, her competitive streak turned out to be a boon, and she devoted herself fully to perfecting her craft.Still, she resented Gridania and the prejudice she had faced there growing up, and when a path to Ishgard opened up, she didn't hesitate, finding a new home in the frozen city. She quickly joined an illicit dueling circle and has not had a problem finding wealthy sponsors among the nobles. Now, she fully considers herself Ishgardian.



Duel de Lys
For the past several years, Faust's primary role has been as a duelist-for-hire for a young noble in Ishgard by the name of Avoix Cidier, fighting in his name in the semi-illicit dueling ring known as Duels de Lys.

Cavalier Disgraced
Faust was recently involved in a bit of a scandal in the Duel de Lys on accusations of involvement in rigging duels. After an altercation with a Noble that turned physical, she has been banned from the duels.

Wounds Inflicted
Faust enjoys poetry, art and philosophy, and will often attend poetry readings or symposiums. Those well versed in creative circles, especially in Gridania or Ishgard, may know her (or know of her).

I Embrace my Rival
Faust enjoys rivalry, both friendly and less friendly, and not just when it comes to fencing. She can be cocky, and not everyone takes to her that well. Anyone interested in a rivalry of any kind, friendly, playful, bitter, let me know!

Out of Character

Themes: Most topics are ok, communication is key

Post Length: Flexible to what fits the situation

Contact: Faustine Bellamy@Balmung

Tumblr: Faustine Bellamy

30-something gamer and roleplayer. I enjoy a wide variety of different types of RP and am usually pretty easy going. Open to suggestions for spots and long-term storylines as well as one-offs.